Monday, June 16, 2008

Mercedes-Benz 190E vs. Honda City

Alright, alright you all know it's a mismatch. I just came from a stressful drive. In Manila, whenever there's a heavy downpour of rain all (I mean ALL) motorists are in panic mode scrambling to go home. And this afternoon I was caught in the middle of it. A little sprint from Amorsolo to Skyway-Nichols Tollbooth where traffic is slowly building up then a little sprint again to Bicutan off-ramp and then slows down approaching Sucat Exit. This is where the heat started when I tried to make my way to the leftmost lane since I have to go straight all the way to Susana Heights which is around 5 kilometers away. While signaling and inching my way leftward with every slightest opportunity. 18 years of driving in the streets of Metro Manila has already taught me hard lessons; Pure defensive driving is unsafe. You hesitate, you die.

So this is the story of one bigot Honda City owner, who thinks that all Benz owners shouldn't be yielded a right of way. But first, what is a Honda City?

This is a compact sedan a typical Japanese Ricer. Everything in this car is so stupid and backward, the design is totally the opposite of German engineering superiority. Believe me, I rather take a bus than to own this one.

So going back to this bigot gayf'cker, I'm really convinced that this gayf'cker hates anyone that drives a Mercedes-Benz, that the moment I took away the lane ahead of him he won't accept it and keeps blowing his Honda-tuned horn on me. "F'ckhead", I uttered and I pushed quickly at 80km/h away from the Sucat traffic jam and I knew he'll follow and he actually did, I can even hear his stupid car squealing in pain as if its power has already exceeded the limits. I pushed to 90km/h and the pulled a sudden drop to 80km/h and let him go ahead. I want to hear that tin can scream. Then he slams his brake, so I believe this fuckface is no sport. He wants a rear damage. Brought the drivetrain on third and slingshot from his ass. From rearview mirror I can see the desperate chase. I gave the cool smirk of "The Most Wanted" and ladies, he's now my wingman. At that point I can hear the 3000rpm+ sound of this rice-cooker, so I pulled in 4th, sink the pedal, he's 12 feet. I can sense he's in 5th coz the rice-cooker is about to get toasted! Going on 100km/h and I pushed on Klaudia's Holy Fifth Gear. Wham! the f'ckface is smokin'!

For one, that asshole-extraordinaire never did his math. 2.3L German engine against a 1.3L twisting aluminum China-assembled Japanese-designed engine, 124bhp versus what 3o? 40? The only thing I lost is my gas but so what everyone loses it anyway.

I'm not a Benz elitist and I don't want to be. But please, I just already made my point across, don't kiss my butt just for that.

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